Sunday, December 5, 2010

Strengthened by Shattering

Wednesday Pastor preached part 2 of God in search of man, a series I am personally enjoying. God is using it to grow me and challenge me. I have loved every second. We all broke off into our groups and had some wonderful discussions between each other. My table got into the topic of reasons, is there really a reason for everything or does God give everything a reason?

Pastor Sam covered the famous David and Bathsheba account in the bible. A time that brought David to some huge mistakes all because of his thoughts and where they dwelt. My table agreed that David's first sin was allowing himself to dwell on the woman and to entertain the inappropriate thoughts which led him to act accordingly. We came to Psalms 51:16-17. I asked my table why God desires a broken spirit. We all gave incredible insight to this question. Basically, when something is broken, such a glass cup, or a vase, it shatters, there is no longer a place to put something inside. It is all laying out for all to see, for the one who can pick up the pieces to see where the weak spots are and how to make the vase stronger and resilient. The reason God wants us broken, isn't to see us in pain, but because when we are broken we need someone to mend, we are no longer hiding anything. Sometimes, it takes not just being honest with God, but ourselves to see any real healing and growth.

My prayer is that you would be honest with yourself and evaluate how often you allow God into your daily life and that you find the true strength that comes with being broken.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where do we draw the line?

Last night I logged onto facebook only find something that greatly disturbed me. I looked as women who claimed to love God posted phrases similar to, "I like it on the counter" or "I like it on the bed" etc. It was to raise awareness for breast cancer. I am all for raising breast cancer awareness. We should participate in breast cancer, and all other serious cancer causes. However, where do we draw the line at inappropriate? What does a phrase that gives the image of a person having sex in a random place have to do with cancer awareness? It might as well be to raise awareness for STD's. The bible constantly talks about how Christians are to be in the world and not of the world.
All of this brought on the thought, "what am I portraying on my facebook?" Do I think it's ok to play games and participate in phrase-games that cause others to think of me having sex in the back seat of my car because that is where I throw my purse? Am I honestly giving a pure image of myself when I make it sound like I am having sex on the kitchen table? I am being serious. Am I showing God's love when I put up swear words in my status because it is socially acceptable? Facebook has become a place where Christians no longer follow God. It's ok because it's just facebook. I thought Christ was involved with every aspect of our lives? I guess He isn't allowed on Facebook, I mean why stop at banning Him from schools? Let's ban Him from our internet lingo, too.
When will we draw the line at what is pure and acceptable? I know I may get called a "prude" or even an "idiot" for writing this. However, I guess it's true when Christ said they will mock us. "You can't even play a simple game, Mary?" my answer, no way, especially if it will depict me in a vulgar way. I will not conform to this world. Not even the simplest little things. We need to protect our integrity and the purity of the church. I know God has made me pure once again, why would I trash the forgiveness for a game on facebook? What I really want people to get from this blog is, where are you drawing the line and telling God, "you can't pass this,".


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Lessons from Hosea

"'In that day,' declares the Lord, 'you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.'" (Hosea 2:16). God is so much more intimate - wants to be so much more intimate - with us than we know. He is not simply a master who cares for his servants. No - he loves us forgivingly and intimately and he knows us intimately like an earthly spouse.

"'I will say to those called 'Not my people,' 'You are my people'; and they will say, 'You are my God.'" (Hosea 2:23b). Even when we are not acting like God's people, He still claims us and loves us.

Father, I pray that we will remember you in every moment of every day. Help us to fulfill the promises we make to you and honor the revelations you've given us.

I also just want to share this from a book I'm reading called Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship by Jack Frost. In it, he quotes a man named Jack Winter:

"When you focus your life on being a leader, it becomes very easy to become controlling or authoritarian. ...Instead, why don't we all start focusing on being a son or daughter who seeks to do only what the Father does, and lives to serve, honor, and bless others?"

Just something to chew on.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hidden in the Heart...

Hey guys, so I posted this blog on my own this morning and felt I should it add it to this one. This is not an easy one to share so I hope it blesses and speaks to you.

Many people know my story. They know my struggles I have overcome with Christ. They know my Egypt. The thing about Egypt is that those who walked out of it had experienced so much pain, they doubted God would follow through. They complained and demanded the moment something went wrong. They didn't know how to trust in God because their past had hurt them and blinded them to the love and mercy of God. I think about my own life, my own heart, my trust and my faith. Recently old memories came to my mind, things I have done, the choices I made and I didn't feel like it was me who did them. Someone from my past has been stuck in my brain, I don't know why. I haven't talked to this person in so long that I am not sure if they know how much I have changed or where my life is now. Last night I asked God why this person keeps coming up in my mind. This person was one who I had hurt so many times very deeply and they hurt me just as much. I had dream with this person. It wasn't anything big, and too much to explain. I woke up and mulled the dream over in my mind and prayed about it. Then I realized, there was some hurts in my heart and I never realized it. There was some old wounds that I hadn't let go of. I am working on it. I need to go to that secret quiet place and let God create and remove, and restore that area. This person, someone I haven't seen or talked to in two years, still had a hold. Isn't amazing that the last couple weeks I couldn't hear or feel God? And it turns out there is an area of my heart kept from Him? I see how the old hurt and pain surfaced when my current life started to get shaky. Our past can't follow into our present. We wander, some for days or weeks, others for decades like the Israelites and Moses. Do I want to keep any part of my heart from God? NO WAY!

Today, look into your heart and determine what has to go, from your past and today that hinders you. That causes you to doubt God. You can't keep going when you have held onto something. We do, we keep things locked in our hearts and sometimes don't even know it. Let's be free. Let God be the Healer and Redeemer. Give up the things that hold you down and grab onto Him and don't let go.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Roman Invasion!!!! (kinda...)

As many of you know, I recently went to the UK on a family vacation. It was an amazing trip but my favorite place we went was Bath, England. Bath was originally settled by the Romans because it had natural hot springs bubbling up from below the surface of the earth. The locals and the Romans believed the hot springs were a gift from the goddess Sulis Minerva. So the Baths were built adjacent to a temple in her honor. They believed Sulis Minerva blessed the waters with healing properties.

Now, they did this thing where they would pay a scribe to write curses of very thin sheets of lead. If someone had stolen somthing or done them wrong, they would write it on this lead sheet. They would then fold the sheet and throw it in the hot bath so the goddess Minerva would read it. They often had a list of suspects on the sheet to help Minerva figure out who to curse. Theese "gods" were so not powerful! Why would you worship a god that was no better than a police officer?

It got me thinking right away. God is all seeing/knowing/powerful and He doesn't need our help for anything. He can do anything He wants but He chooses to use us to give us a sense of purpose because we are born with that desire. And He made us that way!

Mighty is our God! Powerful above any other!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Your Hands Can't Handle the Sacrifice

Do you know the plans God has for your life? Jeremiah 29:11 says that God's plans are to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. How many of us truly seek after God's plan for us? Do we spend time asking God what He has for us? I believe we get so caught up in daily life and trying to figure out what we want to do, we forget that God has already paved a beautiful road full of grace and excitement. I wonder how many Daniels and Isaiah's, Davids and Samuel's have been lost in the corporate world. How many have been sucked into the money making scheme of get more and more. It is almost heartbreaking. So many people not living to their full potential. Romans 11:29 says God's calling and gifts are irrevocable. They remain. God remains and is constant so His will is constant. We try so hard to fill a void we created with the busyness of the world. We study, work, go to school, go to church, do some volunteer work, decide on a career, study and work more, go into our career, have families, etc. I am not saying any of this is bad, but have you ever wondered why sex is so prominent on television? Why alcoholism is on the rise? Why so many young people take their own lives every year? They're missing something! God has called each of us to Him, and we see so many people, even Christians, trying to be satisfied with the sloppiness and mediocre physical pleasures. The truth is, deep down they know they've left their first love. The One who created every cell of their body with extreme love and care.

When we aren't living what we were created to do, there is a void and so many seek to quench their thirst with sex, drugs, alcohol, and relationships with others. The truth is, none of that helps, it makes the void turn into pain. Now it's a double whammy. As lovers of Christ we need to be seeking after the truth of who we are and who we were created to be. That is the only true option we have. Don't conform to the world and take your life in your own hands, your hands can't handle the sacrifice. Put your life in the hands that are scarred, the hands that paid the price for you to live a life more abundant. To live a life of purpose and love.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Jerk. Twist. Jump

I am so excited about all I see God doing in my life, my family's life, the church, my friends, and our youth group. It is clear to me that God is calling and wanting to use young people to save this city. I want to jump up and down as I write this. I see young people stepping up and I am so luck to be a part of it.

On Sunday August 22, Pastor Sam met with a few of us college leaders and it was rad. He challenged us in a few ways. First to write down our standards, then to not tell one little lie or to exaggerate anything and if we do, apologize right away and set things right. When he said that, I wondered how many times I would fail! So, that night I prayed and ask God to help Him flow out of me. Help me to not exaggerate or tell little fibbers. Well, God is so faithful. He is so amazing. I only exaggerated twice! niiiice!

As God began to lay standards for me on my heart I wrote them down. God is challenging me to step up to the next level of obedience. Yes, faith and spiritual gifts is great. However, as we grow in our talents and gifts, I believe God calls us to live deeper and more intimate with Him. Sin has to go, so God begins to cut away the areas of our life that block Him. It can be painful, but the outcome is so exciting, so beautiful. I will never regret when it hurts to be closer to God, because His love never fails and His joy is perfect.

I found myself taking a walk this last Sunday. The pain of some old issues in my life had surfaced. Ones that were too much to handle. I felt like I would drown from the pain I felt. I turned on God. Told Him that I don't like the way things are playing out in His plan. That lasted five minutes before I was crying and apologizing and on my knees to have Him. I know I need Him so desperately. Well, I walked to the park and just laid on a bench and cried. I told God everything I was feeling and hurting. I needed Him so much and I knew He was with me.

As I lay there I felt the Holy Spirit stirring and moving. I felt God tell me, "Mary do you see the tree?"

"Yes, God, I see the tree."

"Mary, do you see the leaves on the tree?"

"Yes, God I see the tree, so yes, I see the leaves." (where is He going with this??)

"Do you see the wind blowing the trees?"

HUGE SIGH! "Yes, God, I see the wind blowing them."

"Now, watch one leaf, how the wind blows it."

I watched one leaf as the wind jerked it and twisted it and blew it. I wondered how it could even stay connected to the tree!

"Mary, I see every movement of that leaf and all the other leaves. I see you, I see where you are. I see every little jerk and twist in your life. I see you on this bench, and I see the pain inside. I am working everything out. Don't worry. I have you covered."

This produced even more tears. God loves us so much. We forget He does when life gets difficult. We assume God isn't paying attention. We think He is sitting on His huge throne eating bon-bons, but He is so close and so attentive to every detail. Let's remember He lives inside of us and goes with us, feels with us, and celebrates with us. We haven't been left alone, we have been given a friend that's closer than a brother. I am so amazed by how involved God really is. As I open my eyes I can see His fingerprints on different people. Let's draw closer, step up our obedience, and live like we believe God is here.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Busy Busy... yet not busy

Lately I have been so busy that I have been too tired or to caught up in daily life to spend an hour just pursuing God in the morning. Granted, the 6 days I stayed home sick, I slept and spent tons of time with God, and it was so much fun. I cried, I laughed, I even got upset with God (which is ok)! I had to go back to work and start getting my routine back, and well, it was easier in my patience for the kids, but not in the routine. I wanted to just be able to stop in the middle of my day and spend some time praying and worshiping. Pastor Sam's messages have been such an amazing guide for me. I love that I can connect with God for 20 minutes on my lunch break or when the kids are quiet for all of ten seconds and can just say something to God and hear back from Him. I love that when a child has been pushing every button of mine all day I can pray to God in my head and receive His peace or patience. I just love how God can give me the right words to instruct them and love them all. I absolutely cannot get over how involved God is in my life. When I let Him, He invades and I can feel His joy and being the Lord over everything. Sure, there are moments I assume control and take over the scene, but for the most part I give it to God. I can't ever get enough of Jesus.

Intimacy is very very new thing for me. Almost my entire life I had walls up with my family, friends, boyfriends, and especially God. The last two years I have broken down those walls with God and asked Him into every area. I have found that God's love is patient and great and that my love for Him and others has increased. Today I encourage you to take some extra time, in the middle of your day, at a random day to pray and ask Him into the moment, ask Him to join you in class, on a walk, or for lunch. He will come and He will bring His love and peace.

To all of you who started the semester, my prayers are with you all! I hope you guys have a fun semester!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Remember Today...

Sometimes we don't realize the new promises that come with each day. We have new opportunities, new insight, and a fresh new start. Walking with God brings peace, love, and understanding. Today is a day to walk onto your campus to shine brighter than ever and love deeper than ever. Remember, you hold the love and light that the people of this world are looking for. Share God's love and remember that your a child of the Most High God.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rainbow of Gifts

Last night we had our leadership meeting at Pastor Sam's house. It was more of dinner, hanging out, and prayer. We came together and shared what God has been speaking to us and showing us. We prayed for our city, the people close to us, our youth group and each other. The Spirit of God was leading our prayers and hearts. The beautiful words that flowed from everyone's lips was the desires of their hearts being lifted up to God. I was overwhelmed by the love for Christ in the room, it brought me to tears. Surrounded by my brothers and sisters and all of them calling on our God to be our leader and claiming this city as His.
Pastor Sam had all the college leaders stand in the middle of the room so the other leaders could pray over us. We stood there and Melissa Herrmann began to pray. She said something that rang so true and so special. She prayed there would be no comparison of leaders, that we wouldn't want the gifts and talents the others have. She compared us to a rainbow, each part has a color and together it brings a promise. I feel God has promised each of us something special and each of us gifts to bring glory to God and love to man. Together we can stand strong in the face of adversity and bring encouragement to each other and others.
I realized last night that as we each grow in our walks and press in closer to God our strength grows and our bond in Christ strengthens also. We are set apart for a purpose, consecrated and loved by God to share His love. I feel like God is ready to pour out his Spirit on our city and youth group, I can feel the Spirit's restlessness and God's yearning to use people to pave the way. This group, this youth group and body of leaders will bring the love of God to a hurting and hungry city. We will see revival and we will see salvation come. The Kingdom of God is at hand.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Last night Pastor Sam spoke an amazing message. Towards the end he said something that pierced my heart, "it takes time to build something great... start with the small things,". I want so much of God right now. I want to see mass healing across our city. I want to wake up and see a city on its knees worshiping God everyday! My heart literally aches for it. I believe that ache is for God's presence and glory to be poured on to our city, can imagine that? I realized that through my small actions of love everyday that the great will happen. If I am connecting with God throughout the day, I will have an opportunity to reach people everyday. One day at a time, one moment at a time, I can bring people into an encounter with Christ. I know God gave me a purpose and a calling, right now that purpose is here, Tracy. Right now we are called to our city.Where you live is your ministry, where you're called to share the love and grace of Christ.

Deuteronomy 30:11-14 was one of the verses Pastor Sam used and it really caught me. The last part where it says, "the message is very close at hand. It is on your lips. It's in your hearts so you can obey it." I realize so many time we think we need a huge long prayer time to hear from God. We need to spend hours soaking in His presence to hear from Him. However, the message from God is in us. It is so close it is on our lips ready to be spoken at an moment, when we let God speak. When we put aside our own agenda and concerns, and let the Holy Spirit be the guide. It is so easy to believe the lie of, "God wants all your time today, every spare moment spent in rabid prayer and then He will use you," NO!!! that of course is amazing, and I love when I can spend a day just soaked in Him, but that is not how we are used for great things. It's by acknowledging that He is ready at every moment and all we have to do is submit to Him and let the Spirit do all the work. Just be faithful and ready and you will be used.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Out in the open

Man, God has been asking me to do some hard stuff lately. Recently, He had me apologize to a friend for mistreating them, but yet this entire time I tried to play it off like I did nothing wrong until God showed me why I needed to apologize. I almost felt ashamed, embarrassed, and immature for not taking responsibility, but after I apologized I realized that Christ doesn’t criticize me and make me feel worthless for falling short. I don’t have to pretend with Him, He just loves me and wanted that relationship to be healed. From this experience I wrote a poem to God. I thought it be cool if I shared it with you guys.

There’s nothing to hide behind
There’s nothing to cover me
No more shadows
Nothing up my sleeve
Just you and your light
That sees right through me

I’m exposed to you
You’re calling me out
I’m disclosed before you
In all of your Truth
What do you see?

As if I deserve all the praises
Acting as if I need all the glory
Wearing my own pride
Like the masks I wear
Now it’s just you and your throne
Because you are Holy

I’m exposed to you
You’re calling me out
I’m disclosed before you
In all of your Truth
What do you see?

You tear the veil
In all of my shame
Though there’s no condemnation
As you call out my name
There’s freedom
Now there’s freedom

I’m exposed to you
You’re calling me out
I’m disclosed before you
In all of your Truth
And you see me

-Melissa A.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

it's gettin' hot in here

Last night we had our leadership meeting and we learned about being a thermostat or a thermometer. Am I setting the temperature, or am I being set by someone or something else? Am I reflecting God or the world? Those questions raised a challenge, a hunger inside of me. What is the atmosphere around me like and who is the main influence? Christ in me, or he who is in the world?

It made me consider situations I never thought much of, like work. When the complaining starts, it is so easy to join in. We all have things we don't like. I realized I was missing an opportunity to speak life into a person or situation. I realized I wasn't shining God's love. Even my silence isn't ok. We all know the term, "when you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It made me think, am I really being a light when I am silent? OF course not, I am allowing the atmosphere to stay the same, just not stepping out to raise the temperature.

This is something we should all be looking at in our lives. From friends, family, school, work, sports teams, etc. who is setting the temperature? Are we spreading the love of God and walking in the Spirit? Is that causing an overflow of love and grace to those around us? Are we bringing life to everyone we meet and encounter? These were all questions in my mind, ones God wanted me to answer. To be honest, truly honest with God, I answered no. I don't always set the temperature, sometimes I am a thermometer, I am reflecting the people around me, not reflecting God. The term Jesus Freak pops in my head so I water down what's in my heart. The truth is, if I want to see my generation live for God. My generation be changed and live in freedom, I can't water down the truth and love God has placed inside me. Just because I feel people won't understand me, or really care about what I feel, doesn't mean I shouldn't say or do what God asks. How can I ever influence people towards Him when I am not stepping out and closer to God?

I challenge you today to look at yourself. Not your friends or parents or teachers or pastors. Look at you. Are you influencing others? Second, what kind of influence are you? Are you bringing life and love, or just leading them into the world? Are you a thermometer and being influenced by everyone but God? These questions are so important for our own personal growth in our relationship with God. I challenge you to take inventory of yourself and take the next step.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Chase

This last sunday night i had an amazing experience. I had been asked to close out the prayer for our college non-friendship group meeting. I was nervous because to be honest i hadn't talked to God very much lately. As i was sitting there waiting for everyone else to pray I was asking God to help me. I wanted God to do the speaking not me. I didn't really expect God to do anything for me. Why would he? I hadn't been hanging out with him, why should he help me? But as I prayed i started to feel God's presence. It was a voice in my head or this super emotional cry my eyes out experience. It was an extreme restlessness. I couldn't sit still. I knew that for the first time in a long time I was truly spending time with God. The restlessness that I felt is, what i believe it to have been, is God's restlessness to spend time with us. God wants to be with us all the time, he wants to love us and protect us and spoil us with his love. God doesn't sit back and say "well I'll just idly sit here and wait for you to come to me." No God is constantly chasing after us like a Shepherd chases after his sheep. He will always chase us but he will never force his presence on you. You have to be brave enough to turn around and say to God, "God I'm sorry for running. I'm sorry I've ignored you and I'm sorry I've done all these things, I'm sorry i let you down. Please God show me you love me." And God delivers in a big way. Not only does he show you the most amazing love. He doesn't even bring up that you have messed up, he doesn't bring up how you let him down. Instead he tells how proud of you he is for coming back. For being humble enough to admit you were wrong. For being brave enough to start over again. We can run from God but he will always be right behind us, calling out to us, waiting for us to turn around and embrace with all our hearts so he can love us more than we ever imagined.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Stepping It Up

For a little while I had been feeling my relationship with God was not where I wanted it to be. I prayed, read my bible, and went to church, but I felt like I had lost a true connection with God. I felt like when I was praying I was just saying meaningless words and God wasn't listening to me. I prayed and when I didn't feel His presence I would just say, "Just give it time, Sara, He will come around eventually". But then on this past Sunday night, I realized that it si going to take more than just waiting on God. It is going to take an action from me, coming to Him with everything I have.

So on Sunday night after bible study, I went home and spent time with God. I forgot about all of the hectic things that I was stressing about earlier that day, and just came to my God, praying that I could just feel His presence and have His love fill me up. I pleaded and cried for Him to come, and guess what?? He came! I felt His presence and it was the most amazing feeling ever. I could not stop smiling and laughing. I was just so excited that my God, the creator of the universe, and everything in it, was spending time with me in my room! How crazy is that? In the time with God that I spent, I realized that it was time for me to start taking steps to further my relationship with Him. Whether it is going on a mission's trip, taking a Nazirite vow, or writing this blog, I decided that I wanted to take steps out of my comfort zone and grow in my relationship with God. Although it may be uncomfortable, and feel weird at first, in the end I will know it will be worth it when I see how far God has brought me from where I used to be. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me and Tracy Community Church!

If you truly want to feel God's presence and love, you need to seek after Him. Don't just go through the motions like I did, but decided to step out in faith. Although it may feel uncomfortable at first, just realize that the things that take the most work have the best outcomes. And don't think for one moment that you can't be used by God.


God's Love

Hey guys. Dana wrote this on Thursday in regards to Jennifer's message Wednesday night. However, I (Mary) was late in posting it. I hope you enjoy it and that it touches your heart, as it did mine.

Last night Jennifer Fallon spoke an amazing message about God's love. Often times, we think of God as this big impersonal guy in the sky and we just don't get how much he loves us and how personal and intimate he wants to be with us. And if we never understand how much he loves us, then we are missing SO MUCH.

This message spoke to me personally because it reiterated pretty much everything I learned at the Jesus Culture conference in Redding, CA last week. I got closer to God in those three days than I have ever been before. It was amazing to have the personal revelation of how big and amazing God is. Really, there is NOTHING he can't do. He loves us so much, it's ridiculous. And just the realization of how big God's love is for me, impacted me so much. He is not this distant and impersonal God that I felt like I was trying so hard to reach closer to but he kept getting away. He is so personal and so in love with me and I just didn't get it until now.

Ask yourself this: Do you love God for what he does for you and because people tell you that you should? That was kinda where I was before this conference. Now, I want to praise him because I've truly met him and I saw how big and amazing he is. I know for myself now that he deserves praise and glory just for who he is and how he loves us.

If I had heard Jen's message before Jesus Culture, before I encountered God, it wouldn't have clicked like this and meant so much. You can't love God because people tell you that you should. You need to meet with him, know him, and know why you love him first hand. You can't fall in love with somebody just because someone else tells you how great they are. You may be interested but it is not a lasting love. You need to encounter God and meet with him, and when you do, you'll know it, and it will change everything.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Whoa! Wait! What did He say?

Lately the Old Testament has been holding my curiosity. I have been reading in Judges and I am learning a lot about my History. The bible is definitely our history if we hold our faith in Christ and are the children of God. So, I read Judges chapter 6 on Saturday and it has just been sticking with me. It really spoke to me.

So, Israel has been delivered out of Egypt. They've rebelled against God numerous times and God has forgiven them over and over again. After all, our God is gracious! So, once again Israel rebelled and sinned against God and they are being oppressed by another nation. Israel no longer wants to be ruled over by another nations and their false God's so they cry out to God to save them. God responds through a prophet and says, "I am the LORD your God; do not fear the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But, you have not obeyed my voice,". Stop everything. Does anybody catch this? They are crying out to be saved and God says, yeah listen, don't be afraid even though you have not obeyed. God didn't give them an answer! There wasn't a "yes" or "no" to their rescue.

Do you ever feel like God isn't answering your question? We hear at church all the time to just trust God and wait on Him. However, we feel like we're being pulled down by the world and that there isn't a solution. The next verses go into how God is preparing Gideon. Gideon will be the one to lead a small army and deliver Israel from their enemy. I think what we don't realize is that God sees several months, several years down the road and we don't. God knows the best way to grow us, to refine us and make us more mature in our faith. God is working everything out even when He doesn't give us an answer. God is working out a solution, a glorious solution even when we are in the middle of sin. That's how great His love is. Even when we are disobedient He is loving us through it all. He is even laying down plans to deliver us and prosper us. So today, take a moment to realize no matter how crazy the situation is, God is working everything out for you. Just hold on.

Mary :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Where, O where can my Jesus be?

I had an amazing experience with God in India. God was speaking to my heart the entire time and I was able to see amazing God work in miraculous ways. When I got back home, though I was sad that I had to leave all the beautiful people I had met, God was still speaking and moving.

However, the next couple of weeks to follow I had encountered a kinda spiritual funk. It was like I was hitting a wall in my walk with Him. I began to ask “how could I have gone from one extreme to the next with my relationship with God?” I mean I was still being a good little Christian reading my Bible, praying, and going to church. I began to be discouraged and agree with a lot of lies by saying things like “I should be back in India...maybe it wouldn’t be like this if I had stayed there” or “Maybe it’s suppose to be like this…I probably reached as far as I could with my walk with God”.

Last Tuesday I had the house to myself and I decided to have a mini worship service in my family room. So I blasted the Hillsong, but what came out of me was not a sweet little song for Jesus or overflowing love, it was actually anger! I began to frustratingly ask God “Why did you leave me? You said you would stick with me…I just don’t understand”. Of course, I did not give God the opportunity to answer and let it go.

The next day my friends and I drove to Redding for a Jesus Culture Conference. When I got there, God was waiting for me. He was waiting for me the entire time I was struggling, but thos time I came hungry for Him and had expected Him…something I really didn’t do my past couple of weeks. The entire time I spent there, I was there waiting on God and truly worshipping Him letting go of everything. When I did that, God began to fill me with what I desired, which was Him. Several times I encountered an overwhelming joy from His Spirit that made me laugh hysterically during worship (which may have scared other people, but who cares… I went for it).

Right now, it’s like I met God, but still haven’t even begun to know the vastness of who He is. He is absolutely indescribable and I am in awe of His power and love. I know that I belong to Him, I walk in His freedom, and I am addicted to His presence. I am sorry it took a conference to figure this out, but no more “stepping in and out” of His presence, just me going after God and remaining in God. This is what I want and I am certain God wants this too.

So go ahead. Stop playing it safe. No more games.Take the first step and get God.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” Psalm 91:1


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jesus Culture (part 1... maybe)

Hey everyone! Mary here :)

Well, there is so much to share about the Jesus Culture Conference that I am only going to share one part of it. First, I came back completely changed. A whole new person. I died there, to myself. I died and let God take over. Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me..." this is now undeniably true. I feel the Holy Spirit every moment. I have been renewed and refreshed and revived. Thank You Jesus!

Well, we went through the Worship Experience with Jake Hamilton, and, boy, let me tell you it was truly an experience. He taught on how worship is a mystery because God is almost a mystery. God is so big and might and infinite that we could never figure Him out. God is so beyond us, His ways are not our ways. Jake spoke to my heart. He taught us with such an anointing and full of revelations, it was truly the Spirit of God working in Him.

Some points Jake made that stood out to me that I will share were absolutely amazing. He was talking about following God in everyday life and to pursue Him with everything in you. He talked about how the world will reject you and how the way we live shouldn't reflect the world at all. I mean, he said, "how can you change the world when you try so hard to be like it?" thank you and amen!! ha!

The greatest thing Jake said that just pierced my soul was that, "we all have a sound inside us that has to come out." He explained that God gave us all talents and gifts. Whether it is through worship, preaching, or prophecy, etc, God gave us all something to share with the world. We were all created to let this sound out. To give it to the world and make an impact with it for God. That is so amazing. I have so much to say all the time, I always have an opinion, but I never realized that deep down inside of me is something God placed that will revolutionize my generation.

This conference gave me a whole new foundation and love for Christ. For my Father. I am so excited to make a change and impact for God. I don't want to be in generation-x, the generation that made no valuable contribution to the world. I want my generation to be generation life. The generation that brought life back to the United States. The generation that led a nation to a loving God. A generation that lived with abandon for the one true King. The generation that sought and loved God with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Check It Out

This where college leaders and adult leaders will be posting what God speaks to them in everyday life. God is constantly working and developing our story lines and we are constantly learning. He is molding us into images of Christ and we want to share what He is creating us to be. We are to be teachable and moldable in every stage of life, so God can be constantly glorified in us. The Potter is always has His hands on the Clay and only He knows the final outcome of the beautiful work of art.

Christ is our Lord and Savior. Join us on this amazing journey of everyday life with Creator of all things. The Creator of your heart and Creator of your creativity.

We pray this blog will bless you and motivate you to continue to seek after the One true God. We want this blog to be a light and encouragement to you when you aren't sure of what to read in your bible or what to pray. God has put hundreds of people around us to push us and guide us closer to Him. We want this blog to be a resource to those who need a nudge.

So, enjoy and feel free to leave a comment, a word of knowledge, a question. Anything God puts on your heart or mind.

-Mary and Melissa