Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jesus Culture (part 1... maybe)

Hey everyone! Mary here :)

Well, there is so much to share about the Jesus Culture Conference that I am only going to share one part of it. First, I came back completely changed. A whole new person. I died there, to myself. I died and let God take over. Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me..." this is now undeniably true. I feel the Holy Spirit every moment. I have been renewed and refreshed and revived. Thank You Jesus!

Well, we went through the Worship Experience with Jake Hamilton, and, boy, let me tell you it was truly an experience. He taught on how worship is a mystery because God is almost a mystery. God is so big and might and infinite that we could never figure Him out. God is so beyond us, His ways are not our ways. Jake spoke to my heart. He taught us with such an anointing and full of revelations, it was truly the Spirit of God working in Him.

Some points Jake made that stood out to me that I will share were absolutely amazing. He was talking about following God in everyday life and to pursue Him with everything in you. He talked about how the world will reject you and how the way we live shouldn't reflect the world at all. I mean, he said, "how can you change the world when you try so hard to be like it?" thank you and amen!! ha!

The greatest thing Jake said that just pierced my soul was that, "we all have a sound inside us that has to come out." He explained that God gave us all talents and gifts. Whether it is through worship, preaching, or prophecy, etc, God gave us all something to share with the world. We were all created to let this sound out. To give it to the world and make an impact with it for God. That is so amazing. I have so much to say all the time, I always have an opinion, but I never realized that deep down inside of me is something God placed that will revolutionize my generation.

This conference gave me a whole new foundation and love for Christ. For my Father. I am so excited to make a change and impact for God. I don't want to be in generation-x, the generation that made no valuable contribution to the world. I want my generation to be generation life. The generation that brought life back to the United States. The generation that led a nation to a loving God. A generation that lived with abandon for the one true King. The generation that sought and loved God with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.


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