Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where do we draw the line?

Last night I logged onto facebook only find something that greatly disturbed me. I looked as women who claimed to love God posted phrases similar to, "I like it on the counter" or "I like it on the bed" etc. It was to raise awareness for breast cancer. I am all for raising breast cancer awareness. We should participate in breast cancer, and all other serious cancer causes. However, where do we draw the line at inappropriate? What does a phrase that gives the image of a person having sex in a random place have to do with cancer awareness? It might as well be to raise awareness for STD's. The bible constantly talks about how Christians are to be in the world and not of the world.
All of this brought on the thought, "what am I portraying on my facebook?" Do I think it's ok to play games and participate in phrase-games that cause others to think of me having sex in the back seat of my car because that is where I throw my purse? Am I honestly giving a pure image of myself when I make it sound like I am having sex on the kitchen table? I am being serious. Am I showing God's love when I put up swear words in my status because it is socially acceptable? Facebook has become a place where Christians no longer follow God. It's ok because it's just facebook. I thought Christ was involved with every aspect of our lives? I guess He isn't allowed on Facebook, I mean why stop at banning Him from schools? Let's ban Him from our internet lingo, too.
When will we draw the line at what is pure and acceptable? I know I may get called a "prude" or even an "idiot" for writing this. However, I guess it's true when Christ said they will mock us. "You can't even play a simple game, Mary?" my answer, no way, especially if it will depict me in a vulgar way. I will not conform to this world. Not even the simplest little things. We need to protect our integrity and the purity of the church. I know God has made me pure once again, why would I trash the forgiveness for a game on facebook? What I really want people to get from this blog is, where are you drawing the line and telling God, "you can't pass this,".
